Outstanding Leadership in Education (Primary and Secondary)
This programme is for Primary and Secondary Team, Middle and Senior Leaders who wish to develop their knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles of effective Leadership. They will explore their own leadership style and that of others, discover the advantages and challenges this can bring, explore and adjust their approaches to leadership and understand how to apply this within their individual school contexts. OfSTED have reported on the impact of this programme during school inspection reports.

About the programme
Each session explores different models which can be bought back into school immediately and applied. The programme is very much hands-on and activity based through exploration, all underpinned by DRICE ©. It is facilitated by experienced Headteachers and Senior Leaders who understand the short and long term challenges and opportunities within Leadership at all levels. A coach for delegates is recommended but not essential.
The following are explored;
  • Qualities of an Effective Leader and Manager
  • Leadership and Vision
  • Levels of Leadership
  • Coaching; as a Leader, and for Action
  • Leadership of Teaching & Learning
  • How to Inspire others
  • Working with Governors and the community

Throughout the programme delegates will work with the following via a Professional Skills Audit;

  • Vision and Strategic Planning, Integrity, Empathy
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making, Delegation
  • Managing Pressure, Effective Communication
  • Enthusiasm & Optimism, Team Building
  • Competence in Role

Delegate Testimonials
“For me the biggest value was working with other delegates, sharing ideas, challenging ourselves and each other. Every leader should go on this course”

“The OLE programme has provided me with a fabulous opportunity to stop and reflect on what outstanding Leadership really is, and to recognise aspects of this in my own practice”

“Each session the ‘Professional Audit of Leadership Skills’ enabled me to pinpoint immediate next-steps. I knew exactly what I was going to do back in school”

“Our Team has already adopted some of the ‘Models’ as they are simple to understand yet really effective when explored/put into practice”

Becoming a Member of the Billericay Teaching Alliance
For further information on the benefits of being a member please visit


Logistics and Booking
Please complete your online booking by selecting the 'BOOK' link next to the date wish to attend from the grid below and using the 'BOOK' link.   If the 'BOOK' link is not visible, please let us know you are interested in the next available date by selecting the 'ENQUIRE' button below.

Case Study 
CLICK HERE to view how Hayes School have used OLE to develop over 100 aspiring and existing school leaders in their school and others across their Trust.  

Contact details
For further information, please contact:

Melanie Jones, Billericay Teaching Alliance   E: mjones@billericayschool.com    T: 01277 314420



Delegate Price £300.00
TSA Member Price £270.00
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