The 'Governance Professional' Development Programme Download Flyer

This blended leadership programme is for experienced or aspiring Governance Professionals throughout the Multi Academy Trust (MAT) sector who want to develop a deeper understanding of the role and become expert practitioners.  They will explore this crucial role in strategic leadership, managing, and developing governance in general, and specifically across their own trust. Having the valuable opportunity to network both during and outside sessions will strengthen the practice of individuals and the cohort as a whole, continuing beyond programme completion.

About the Programme
Each session focuses on key aspects of the role providing participants opportunities to implement new practice into their trust.  Whilst this unique programme is based on best practice underpinned by the most up to date evidence-based research, with a cohort restricted to small numbers (typically 15), participants will develop a deeper understanding through; self-reflection, discussion, challenge and exploration of what works best in theory and in practice. Participants will be encouraged to share practice and their own specific ideas and issues. Participants will engage in both pre and post-sessional tasks, and be directed to web-based resources.

High Level Programme Content and Overview

  • Understanding Governance in MATs, roles, responsibilities and expectations (competency framework)
  • Establishing clear and effective lines of communication across all stakeholders within and beyond the MAT
  • Developing and implementing the MATs strategy for effective governance support services
  • Providing advice on issues relating to MAT governance (Governing structures, procedures and legal etc)
  • Developing governance trust-wide (strategic priorities, strategic leadership, structures, documentation etc)
  • Leading on compliance (trust record keeping, accounts, policy, practice, review, risks, online, etc)
  • Carrying out duties of a company secretary (advising the board, constitutional matters, compliance etc)

Bespoke Support
Additionally, participants will receive light touch support via email.  At a small additional cost, they will have access to a sequence of mentoring, or one-off consultancy subject to capacity from the programme facilitator during and after the programme.

Mark Coppel has been working in education since 2006 as a consultant and trainer, working with local authorities, Multi Academy Trusts (MATs) and Teaching School Alliances. Mark’s governance experience includes being the Chair to multiple schools including Interim Executive Boards (IEBs), being a trustee and member of a MAT, being the member of several transition boards, and chairing the governing board of a Special School. Mark is a highly experienced trustee and governor. He is also a consultant for the National Governance Association (NGA) and organisations such as ‘Learn Sheffield’ providing consultancy and training services. Mark has facilitated on the NGA’s Leading Governance Development Programmes for Chairs, Clerks and Boards.  Mark is a designated National Leader of Governance (NLG) and has delivered many external reviews of governance and has supported schools and academy trusts through the National Leaders of Governance programme.  He is lead trainer and writer of the Professional Clerks’ Development Programme.

Logistics and Booking 
Please complete your online booking by selecting the 'BOOK' link next to the date you wish to attend from the grid below and using the 'BOOK' link.  If the 'BOOK' link is not visible, please let us know you are interested in the next available date by selecting the 'ENQUIRE' button below.
If you have any difficulties, please contact Melanie Jones, Billericay Teaching Alliance Administrator. 
Email:  Tel: 01277 314420. 

Becoming a Member of the Billericay Teaching Alliance 
For further information on the benefits of being a member please visit

Other Governance Training
We provide a range of Governance training for your school, (full packages, bespoke sessions or pay as you go public courses).  Please visit 


Venue Trainer led via Zoom
Dates 23 April, 14 May, 20 June, 16 July 2024
Time 10:00 to 12:30
Delegate Price £575.00
TSA Member Price £518.00
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